Healthy Living Blog

New Year: New ‘thinking’?


Colin Kyle, speaking about successful leaders last week in West Auckland, said that most great leaders formed the discipline to examine their mistakes to learn from them.  Further, when they came up to a hurdle or barricade, they figure out how to go around, over or through the obstacle.

Bob Gass warned in his January 2020 editorial of ‘The Word of Today’, anytime we find a way of thinking that works, our greatest temptation is to rely on it repeatedly – even if it doesn’t work in new situations. When your goal is to protect the success you already enjoy, you put the brakes on progress.  Although holding on to tradition is a good thing, you need to remember that every ‘tradition’ was once a good, sometimes revolutionary, new idea.

So the challenge to Club Physical members this year is to be inspired to ‘challenge your thinking’. Author and coach – Dr John Maxwell said “In your early years you won’t be as ‘wrong’ as people think you are. In your later years you won’t be as right as people think you are. And all through the years you will be better than you thought you could be.

Pic: Former California Governor and Mr Olympia, Arnold Schwarzenegger praises the ‘thinking’ of environmentalist Greta Thunberg. Young Greta received much criticism.


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