Healthy Living Blog

Without your health

If you suffer from poor health, a lot of your focus and energy will be spent on mere survival. Te Atatu member – Fatima, a trainee lawyer, was excited to share the essence of a book she is reading by Jordan Peterson. He highlighted the fact that, as a new mum (or dad), its common that all concerns about your own health get put aside. Often this pattern continues for several years where your child’s needs always come first, or your work comes first, your home or even your shiny hot-rod car, all come first. That is until your GP surprises you with the statement “Your blood pressure is too high; you need to do exercise more”.

While speaking about this on Thursday with Birkenhead member – Claire who is a staff-culture consultant and trainer, she drew attention to the fact on an Air NZ flight you are told that in an emergency, an oxygen mask will dropdown. First place this on your own face, before your child. The message is, that without your own health, you can do little to help another. If this has been your challenge, make 2021 the year that you start the year strong, build your own strength, build your immune system, sharpen your mind, increase your fitness and create a habit that will eradicate your stress. Without your health, there is little you can do for others. Put your own health first this year.

Jordan Peterson has some challenging thoughts about responsibility

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